Kirkby Rotary Club helped the work of an organisation that supports children and teenagers who look after older or younger relatives.
The Young Carers Project, funded by Nottinghamshire County Council, is run in Mansfield and Ashfield area, alongside the Notts Carers Hub.
The project aims to increase the young carers’ self-esteem, enable contact with their peers and reduce social isolation by providing support, activities and outings.
The Rotary Club funded a mini-bus to take 11 youngsters, aged from seven to 17, on a day out to Caythorpe Court Activity Centre, near Grantham.
Rotarians Paul Riley and Francis Newenham spent the day with the young carers.
Mr Newenham said: “Rotary is very much about being part of the local community and we in the Kirkby club have wanted for quite a while to give some support to this worthwhile project. It was impressive on this day out the way the older members of the group were looking after the younger ones.”
Young carers and staff with Rotn Francis Newenham, right.