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New student union president at college

Posted onPosted on 5th Aug
New student union president at college

A former painting and decorating student has been chosen as president of West Nottinghamshire College students’ union for the next academic year.

Marc Jones, 21, was a student on the Level 2 Diploma in Painting and Decorating before securing the role of chair of ‘Connect’ – the student Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) group

During his year as chair, Marc got to know lots more about the college and the student body, which prompted him to apply for the position of Students’ Union president.

Marc said: “I’m really excited about my forthcoming new role. I want to move forward on a range of new ventures and campaigns, one of them is to raise better awareness about the plight of homelessness in the area.

“I would like students to join with me in my fundraising efforts for this and other charities throughout the academic year. I’d really like all students to help me with raising awareness of mental health matters.”

Marc cites patience, motivation and a good listening ear as great attributes to bring to his presidential role. He wants to see students of all abilities joining in with Students’ Union work and activities to form a strong network of ideas and action.

The new president, from Forest Town, succeeds outgoing president Nick Golubs and begins his new role in the new academic year. Marc will be joined by a new Students’ Union executive team and a student governor in October, following elections to the voluntary roles.