More than 100 people attended the Mansfield Volunteer Awards ceremony that celebrated local stars who go the extra mile for the community.
Mansfield mayor Kate Allsop presented the Outstanding Volunteer Award to Joe Bonser, who has been volunteering for more than 20 years and devotes much of his time to the community.
He has been chairman of the Mansfield District Council Housing Panel, treasurer of the Friends of Mansfield West and North Sherwood Park Group, and co-ordinator for digital computer training for children and older people.
Joe has set up a new group, Friends Of Bull Farm Park, and is working with young people to improve the area.
Mayor Allsop said: “It is people like Joe who are the true local heroes of their communities and he thoroughly deserves this award for really going that extra mile for Mansfield.”
The annual ceremony is organised every year by a steering group of tenants, residents and volunteers, and supported by officers from Mansfield District Council, Mansfield CVS and Nottinghamshire County Council.
The district council’s portfolio holder for housing, Coun Barry Answer, and Mansfield Youth Mayor Jake Baldry also presented awards at the event, at the John Fretwell Sporting Complex, Sookholme.
Coun Answer presented the Andy Wallace Memorial Award for a local person who makes an extraordinary difference within a community to Lesley Salmon, treasurer and vice-chairman of Bellamy Tenants’ and Residents’ Association.
“Lesley works tirelessly and quietly for the community and is always looking to improve things on the estate,” said Coun Answer.
“She just gets on with the job with a smile on her face, and the difference she has made to the community is enormous.”
Jake presented the Young Person’s Award to 15-year-old Tristan Jones, who has set up and runs St Mark’s Youth Club.
On top of his school work, Tristan organises sessions and events, and has made a huge difference to the children who attend the club, including improving their social and communication skills.
Jake said: “Tristan is a real inspiration for young people and shows that age is no barrier when it comes to being able to get things done and helping your community.”
Other winners were:
Emily Dawes Memorial Award for a paid worker in the voluntary sector who has gone beyond the call of duty — Lee Chapman, of Mansfield Woodhouse Community Development Group, for his work as editor of a local community magazine, which is delivered to over 8,000 homes.
Margaret Wilson Memorial Award for a volunteer who provides exceptional support to a cause or charity — Valerie Devney, honorary secretary of Mansfield Woodhouse Community Development Group, who has been volunteering for more than 21 years.
Community Group Award, sponsored by Unison, for a voluntary group that has improved or made a difference to their area or cause — Mansfield Girl Guiding.
Business in the Community, sponsored by SF Media, for a business which has given voluntary time to support the voluntary sector — Bowring Transport, a local transport and haulage firm that supports the local community in many ways, particularly providing lorries and drivers for the parade at the annual Warsop Carnival.