Carers will be able to find out about local support services, carers’ rights and benefits, and talk to carers, service providers and service planners, at three roadshows.
They will feature around 70 organisations, including the Carers Federation and Carers Trust.
Carers will be able to meet, chat and share experiences, and find out about local support, carers’ rights and benefits.
Each roadshow aims to give carers information about the support they qualify for.
The roadshows, funded by Nottinghamshire Healthcare, CityCare and care commissioning groups, have been organised by full-time unpaid carer Trevor Clower.
Trevor, (70), from Bestwood Park, is a carer for his son, who has learning disability and autism.
“I found lots of free support for unpaid carers in leaflets gathering dust in offices all over the city and county,” he said.
“I got all those leaflets, put them on a table, and then got someone to operate a stall. I started with 12 stalls four years ago.
“Then I formed a market and took it to where unpaid carers go — hospitals, health centres, market places and shopping centres, getting the information out to the people who need it
“This year I have 70 stalls all offering free support in 70 different ways. The choices are huge.”
The roadshows begin on 24th May, from 10am-2pm, at King’s Mill Hospital, Sutton, and will also be held on 6th–12th June, from 8am-6pm, at the Four Seasons Shopping Centre, Mansfield; and on 18th August, from 10am–2pm, at Kings Mill Hospital.