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Celebrating six years of green giving

Posted onPosted on 5th May
Celebrating six years of green giving

Veolia (Nottinghamshire County Council’s waste management contractor) are proud to announce that the popular community environmental fund, the Nottinghamshire EnviroGrant, has reached its sixth anniversary.

Since the scheme began in 2010, thousands of pounds have been allocated to community and environmental projects throughout Nottinghamshire. The EnviroGrant scheme has given a helping hand to a wide range of grassroots community, voluntary and school projects, from providing outside classrooms, supporting forest schools, enabling recyclable material and upcycling workshops to take place, providing recycling bins at a youth centres; to assisting the creation of numerous school gardens and biodiversity projects.

The Nottinghamshire EnviroGrant Scheme is a community fund to which not-for-profit community groups based in the county of Nottinghamshire (excluding the city of Nottingham) can apply for grants of up to £1,000 for projects that improve their local environment. Projects with an environmental / green focus are prioritised, however all applications are considered on their individual merit.

The next quarterly application deadline is Friday, 20th May. The grant information leaflet and application form can be downloaded from or posted out if preferred, please call 0203 567 4392 or email [email protected].

Julie Adams, Veolia’s Nottinghamshire Contract Performance Manager, said: “Our EnviroGrant scheme has been a great success over the years; and we’re proud of the help we’ve given to some very worthy projects. Quite often, community groups don’t have the resources or time to complete complicated applications for big grants. Generally they only need a few hundred pounds to make a real difference to their members and communities, so the EnviroGrant was created with them in mind.”

If aproject requires considerable financial assistance (more than £1,000) visit the Veolia Environmental Trust at to find out if it qualifies for funding under the Landfill Communities Fund.