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£10,000 education grants up for grabs from charity

Posted onPosted on 8th Jan
£10,000 education grants up for grabs from charity

A Mansfield charity that had to close its visitor centre is fighting back and offering £10,000 in grants for educational projects.

Industrial heritage trust Making It! Discovery Centre was based in an old Mansfield Brewery building on Weighbridge Road, Mansfield, for 13 years, giving youngsters the chance to learn about design, technology, maths and science.

It closed in April as visitor numbers fell, but has shifted emphasis and is inviting schools and groups for young people to apply for grants to help with their projects.

As well as monetary grants, the charity can help primary schools to access a specialist design and technology teacher to deliver one-off activities within school.

The Making It! Industrial Heritage Trust supports schools and community projects with an education relevance.

Grants are made primarily for education projects and applications will only be considered from schools/community projects for activities with an educational relevance.

Available grants include:

Ad hoc educational projects – up to £1,000
Educational equipment/D&T kits not normally provided by schools – up to £500. The Trust will pay for the provision of D&T kits for either KS1 or KS2.
Transport costs to a facility providing educational workshops – up to £250
Educational visit – up to £10 per child

For more information and to apply for a grant, go online at